It's kitten season again but thankfully, after years of spaying, neutering and finding homes for the ferals (also a terrible illness that killed many of them one year) there aren't nearly as many to have kittens now as there was when we moved here. This year only two females, LuLu and Thing 2, had babies. LuLu had 3 and Thing 2's had 4. One of Thing2's kittens had to be bottle raised because she abandoned it on the hay after I touched it to clean it's face so it could breath. That's Kirin who has been raised in the house. So, 6 or 7 kittens to find homes for this year, not bad at all considering that the first spring we were here there were 24 kittens to find homes for, not counting the kittens that were lost or all the adults.

Monday, January 11, 2016


We can accept donations via paypal to wildmooncottage@gmail.com (mark for Karmic Cat) or through our Go Fund Me page https://www.gofundme.com/KarmicCat

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